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  • You Can’t Argue the Laws of Physics or Mathematics

You Can’t Argue the Laws of Physics or Mathematics

The arguments make the headlines. But when you break them down, you realize they crumble against the facts of Bitcoin.

There are counterpoints to everything and Bitcoin is no different. 

The headlines for years have blasted Bitcoin for being this and for being that. Even now, with Wall Street leading the way in showing support for Bitcoin with their Spot ETF products, lingering Bitcoin misconceptions inhibit people from seeing the picture clearly. 

There are many arguments for why you shouldn’t buy Bitcoin or why you shouldn’t believe in Bitcoin.

But the more you peel back the layers of Bitcoin the more you begin to realize that Bitcoin is a perfect creation of the unchanging and infinite laws of physics and mathematics. 

Bitcoin doesn’t have emotion. 

Bitcoin doesn’t have a conscience. 

Bitcoin doesn’t care, it just is.

Bitcoin has a protocol and purpose that it operates perfectly. 

Any number of other arguments about Bitcoin bring some sort of human emotion and abstract idea that Bitcoin fundamentally doesn’t possess. They’re based in human nature, not in the nature of Bitcoin. 

No one can argue the laws of physics and mathematics, yet people think they can argue against Bitcoin. 

The rest of this piece will be spent discussing common arguments against Bitcoin and providing responses you can give, or understand yourself, to realize their individual fallacies. Similar to some of my previous publications, this will be written in a way that implies you are conversing about Bitcoin. The goal is to educate, while also preparing you, for these inevitable conversations where you may find yourself having to defend against these arguments.

“I can’t hold it. I can’t feel it. It doesn’t have real value.” 

This argument, like many of the following, has initial points, but when you sit down and really think about them, they fall apart. This argument roots itself in the idea that many physical items we own have value:

  • Cars

  • Houses

  • Boats 

  • Gold and other metals

  • Phones or Computers

  • Shoes or Clothing 

Humans like “things” and they like to be able to touch things they perceive as valuable. The simple rebuttal to this is: 

“Can you hold the internet? Is that real?” 

“Can you hold all the social media accounts that follow you?” 

“Can you hold the digital dollars that the bank app on your phone says you have?” 

The answer to all of these, and any number of other “digital” related questions is a resounding "no." Saying you cannot hold them doesn't diminish any of their values nor does it make them any less real. The world is increasingly digital, Bitcoin is digital. It’s still real. 

“I can’t pay for dinner with it.”

Again, on the surface this argument has value. Most restaurants don’t accept Bitcoin as payment. This just means they have not adopted the payment rails to allow Lightning payments. But years ago when credit and debit cards came out, it took time for many restaurants, stores, and establishments to allow these methods of payment.

Now, people hardly ever use cash and almost every place you go to takes debit or credit cards. There are also cities, countries like El Salvador, and establishments that do accept Bitcoin as payment—it is just not yet mainstream. The ability to provide your Bitcoin as a common form of payment will be here soon enough. 

Another answer to this question is asking them if you could pay for your meal with gold. The answer is no. You can’t walk into a restaurant with a gold nugget and shave off a piece to pay for your cheeseburger. Gold as an object doesn’t allow this functionality, it required a standardized form of gold currency before it could ever be used widely as a medium of exchange. Even without this functionality, people still believe gold has inherent value.

Bitcoin, on the other hand, has the functionality that lets you break every Bitcoin into 100 million “Satoshis." These Satoshis or "SATs" are what you would be using for any standardized payment. There’s no guessing how big of a piece you need to pay with Bitcoin, it is just math. 

 “I will just wait until it crashes again before buying”

Ah yes, another story of “I missed my chance, but think it will crash again, I will buy it THEN.”

The circle of life for many

Then in the event it crashes, this same person is back to thinking “Ah it’s worthless, I won’t buy it.”

The reality is the best time to buy was 10 years ago, the second best time is now. Just like planting a tree.

People who dollar-cost-average (DCA) Bitcoin rarely lose in the long run. Yes, Bitcoin has been a volatile asset over its history, but it also has only ever had 3 negative years in the last decade. If you buy and hold Bitcoin, you win. There is no need to try and time the market. Just zoom out your time perspective and realize that all currencies are going to zero compared to Bitcoin.

Everything loses value against Bitcoin in the long run. Why wait to buy when you know this to be true? The laws of supply and demand dictate this. Again, it’s just math. 

“The Bitcoin network uses more energy than a small country”

My favorite argument about Bitcoin and its energy usage. Do you know what else uses more energy than a small country? The traditional financial industry. The framing of this argument is meant to be eye-catching and drive outrage. A small country inherently doesn’t use a lot of energy because its population is lower compared to other countries or global entities such as the Bitcoin network and traditional finance industry. Humans use energy to live. More humans use more energy. Again, it’s math. 

Another rebuttal to this is to explain that Bitcoin mining is a long-term push for 0 cost energy. Miners want to minimize their energy expenditures so they can add more mining infrastructure, increasing their chances of receiving block rewards. Bitcoin mining forces a drive for low-cost, renewable energies, and currently, the system runs on over 50% renewable energy streams. 

I would argue there is no other industry with more of an incentive to find a universal, freely renewable energy source than Bitcoin. In the future, I predict people will look back in shock that they doubted the sustainability work Bitcoin mining produces. 

The arguments presented above are rooted in human opinion and perspectives aimed to smear Bitcoin. The rebuttals are based on fact and perspective shifts aimed at opening the minds of the attackers. 

Humans argue. 

Humans have different thoughts and opinions. 

Bitcoin doesn’t. 

Bitcoin operates like it was intended to do so and will be able to for thousands of years. 

You can't win an argument against the laws of physics and mathematics.

Tick Tock Next Block. 

Stack SATs. 

The views and opinions expressed here are for entertainment purposes only and should, in no way, be interpreted as financial or investment advice. Always conduct your own research when making an investment or trading decision, as each such move involves risk. The team members behind Triana are not financial advisors and do not claim to be qualified to convey information or advice that a registered financial advisor would convey to clients as guidance. Nothing contained in this e-mail/article constitutes, or shall be construed as, an offering of financial instruments, investment advice, or recommendations of an investment strategy. If you are seeking financial advice, find a professional who is right for you.