Tell No[Every]body

Sharing information amongst each other is how new ideas and beliefs emerge for humanity.

“In the most respectful way possible, I’m of the opinion that if you firmly believe in bitcoin and its future and money making potential, then be quiet and tell NOBODY.”

I received the above message within the last week. If you have read my prior writing, you know I believe that informing people about Bitcoin is possibly the best pound-for-pound form of advocacy currently available on the planet. Informing people about a technology that grants them the ability to be financially independent and preserve their purchasing power is a godsend for the future life you want to live.

Why would I gatekeep this information?

I fundamentally can’t.

For the people I care about in my life, those I have never met, and for anyone else in the world, I refuse to “tell NOBODY.”

Going back to the original quote there is important context. The message was not sent out of the blue or with malice, it was sent after the person I was in communication with said they worried that many people who are not knowledgeable about Bitcoin could buy into it and then be susceptible to losing large portions of their fortune.

I have this same worry for people who buy into something they don’t understand. If anything, this reasoning is exactly why I should tell EVERYBODY about Bitcoin—to educate.

Michael Saylor recently said, “You will spend forty thousand hours of your life, maybe sixty thousand hours of your life trying to make money. It is worthwhile to spend 100 hours learning how to keep it.”

Within my social circle, and the people who consume the content I produce, I aim to bridge the gap from a knowledge level of zero and move it to one.

From nothing to something.

From ignorance to curiosity.

I aim to be a cheat code for knowledge.

At a minimum, I aim to get people around me to shift their time preference from being high (focused on the here and now) to low (focused on the future) and help them create a plan to realize the desires of their future selves.

However, I will never tell someone they should go all in on Bitcoin. They must come to their own decision. And if that decision is ultimately reached, it is reached after hours of learning and understanding.

What I will say, however, is if Blackrock and the other largest financial institutions in the world are recommending a portfolio of greater than 0% Bitcoin, then you should probably get off zero. A personal anecdote is that I have never met or talked with a person who has taken five to ten hours of their life to learn about Bitcoin and decided firmly that they would purchase none of it.

I believe If I were to adhere to the message to “tell NOBODY” I would allow common misconceptions to reign true in the minds of people. Further context to the above quote is that before receiving this message, I had opposed the claim (in a group chat) that anyone holding Bitcoin was “standing in a casino” and that people in the casino should “know what game you are playing.” This message was 100% sincere and came from a good place. This person aimed to send a reality check of what can happen when investments go south. I will emphasize the message was sincere, but the reality of this statement is it is fundamentally wrong. Bitcoin is not the “crypto casino” that many people enter and lose money on. If you buy Bitcoin, hold, and do nothing else, you will not lose money. In fact, anyone who has bought and held Bitcoin for any 4 year period has seen their investment grow. 14 years of history and more hours traded than the entirety of the US stock exchange have proven this to be true. If I had not corrected this statement, I would have let misinformation reign true and let any budding curiosity in any other members of the group chat fade.

However, if you buy something with no knowledge of it, then see it dip in price, and sell, you will lose money. This applies to literally anything in life that you would buy as an investment. But, this is where Bitcoin education comes back into play and provides another reason to tell EVERYBODY. Bitcoin education is imperative to helping people understand the opportunity they currently have.

Fundamentally, there is a difference between saying “Buy Bitcoin” and educating people about what Bitcoin is. I will never say in a blanket statement to “Buy Bitcoin” but I will converse for hours on education so that the individual I am speaking to can reach their own decision. I aim to educate through providing historical context, future possibilities, and fundamental background for the world of Bitcoin. I personally don’t like giving price predictions because my clarity, opinions, and knowledge base has been formed from years, thousands of hours of learning, and enduring multiple bear markets in this industry. If I were to “tell NOBODY,” and many others who are knowledgeable about the Bitcoin industry were to follow suit, humanity would be worse off.

There are reasons that the United States has been discussing adopting Bitcoin as a strategic reserve.

There are reasons why people in countries ravaged by hyperinflation like Nigeria are running to Bitcoin to preserve their wealth.

There are reasons why the Bitcoin Spot ETF products launched by Blackrock, Fidelity, and other corporate giants are breaking all kinds of ETF records.

There are reasons why people like Larry Fink, the CEO of Blackrock has switched his stance from being anti-Bitcoin to being one of the most public endorsers.

There are reasons why a set of published code went from having no value to being a top 7 currency in the world in less than 15 years.

People should know these reasons, hence, I should tell EVERYBODY.

While the purpose of this piece was to explain reasons why I personally can’t follow the advice to “tell NOBODY,” I will conclude by summarizing Bitcoin with a few bullet points to educate and increase curiosity about the topic.

  • The freedom to transact is arguably the most important right a person can have. When a currency is constantly devalued via inflation, you lose purchasing power and with it, your freedom to transact is siphoned out. Bitcoin stops this because it has a fixed supply of 21 million coins. There is no money printer printing more Bitcoin once this limit is reached.

  • Everyone is still early to Bitcoin. People are plagued by the thought that they cannot get a good return on investment by purchasing some Bitcoin. If Bitcoin continues the trend of capturing wealth and passes the market cap of Gold, one Bitcoin will be worth over $800,000 at today’s prices. That is still over an 800% return on your investment. 1 dollar today would turn to 8. $100 to $800. $1,000 to $8,000. Anyone on Wall Street would kill to have these sorts of returns. People may view this as uncertain and future speculation, but I don’t. The reality is Bitcoin is either going to infinity or it is going to zero. With Wall Street support and a pending US Strategic Reserve allocation, I wouldn’t want to bet that it goes to zero.

  • Arguably the most important idea is that Bitcoin is a savings technology. Our society has perpetuated the idea that investing equals savings. They have fundamentally different definitions and should be treated differently. Instead, due to inflation and yearly loss of purchasing power, they have become one and the same. To preserve your purchasing power, you are required to invest in the stock market. The alternative of storing cash causes you to lose money. Bitcoin takes the risk out of investing and lets you park your capital in an asset that will appreciate over time as more demand comes, specifically due to its strict scarcity. Bitcoin lives by simple rules of mathematics and basic economic formulas for supply and demand. Bitcoin enables the plumber to just be a plumber again, they have no requirement to learn to be a stock trader to retire, they can just opt to save.

  • We are not taught in school what a sound currency is. We never consider what backs the US dollar. When you ponder both of these ideas, your brain will logically lead you to more questions. Those questions will lead you to more answers. Those answers should lead you to Bitcoin, the hardest asset and most sound form of currency in the world.

Everyone, everyone, EVERYONE, opposes Bitcoin to start. Everyone opposes Bitcoin until they no longer do. Bitcoin is a paradigm shift in the world. I will continue to tell EVERYONE about it.

Stack SATs.

The views and opinions expressed here are for entertainment purposes only and should, in no way, be interpreted as financial or investment advice. Always conduct your own research when making an investment or trading decision, as each such move involves risk. I am not a financial advisor and do not claim to be qualified to convey information or advice that a registered financial advisor would convey to clients as guidance. Nothing contained in this e-mail/article constitutes, or shall be construed as, an offering of financial instruments, investment advice, or recommendations of an investment strategy. If you are seeking financial advice, find a professional who is right for you.