If you have no amount of Bitcoin, be curious enough to understand why. You may change your mind.
Habits take time to show results, but they will show results
Bitcoin has not had its iPhone moment
Gradually then suddenly is a Bitcoin movement years in the making
Bitcoin is an everyone-wins system. Every action acted upon the Bitcoin network is felt by everyone else.
People who live with a "stable" fiat currency live in a luxury where they can get confused that they don't "need" Bitcoin. This isn't a luxury for everyone.
I don't need to know how a combustion engine or electricity works to receive their benefit. Bitcoin is the same way.
Buying when others are leaving is a way to win in the market, especially when that asset is Bitcoin.
You can buy Bitcoin and you can buy a company stock. That's where the similarities stop. Bitcoin is no company, and it's better that way.
The 2024 Bitcoin Halving Happened. Bitcoin is now permanently scarcer than gold. But what does the halving really mean for the future?
If Bitcoin is not used in a peer-to-peer way it loses a significant value proposition. Bitcoin must be more than just property.
April 5th, 1975 is a date that holds symbolism with the actions of the United States government and gold. It's also Satoshi Nakamoto's birthday. Coincidence? I don't think so.